WOW! This feels like some crazy movie RIGHT?......
Nothing we have experienced before! Families and Friends unable to see one another, social distancing, queuing out side the supermarket two metres apart, crossing the road while out walking if someone is to near you, washing your hands constantly. ANXIETY and LONELINESS!
But LESS of the negatives lets look at the POSITIVES that we hope will come from this! The Internet an absolute god send! We are able to facetime, Zoom call, download the House party APP. Social Media Channels to share love and happiness. We are still able to dress up, eat together, laugh together, share special moments together. We appreciate the things that are most important to us. Not material things but- family and friends. Doing jobs we have been putting off, Family time in the amazing weather, laughing and playing with our children. Home schooling while teachers have a break to plan for the time a head, time to take heed and appreciate the great job they do with our children. Small businesses closed but enabling us to stop, be creative, to reflect and readdress what was working and what wasn't. To have those light bulb moments to push those businesses to the next level. Supporting Local businesses and buying local produce to keep them in business, we become so focused on convenience we shop in big stores, these guys need us. Being kind and helping those neighbours you never speak to or maybe never even knew who they were. Caring for the elderly and less able as they can sometimes be disregarded not on purpose but because life is so busy! Clapping on Thursdays at 8pm to remember how lucky we are to have an NHS and its incredible staff. All keyworkers still risking their lives for us all. Noticing our stunning country side, being able to appreciate the walks and exercise we are able to do every day. The sun shining. We are so LUCKY to be ALIVE!!!
In a years time when this craziness is over, we will look back to this time and reflect on all the old ways we used to make fun, laugh and think outside the box. Have a corona baby boom because all the LOVERS were LOVING. Small Businesses thriving, Local produce being consumed. Being more mindful of the planet and maybe holidaying more in the UK to support our economy.
We had time to stop!!!!!!
So be positive and be thankful, Do those things you wanted to do at home. But most of all STAY SAFE and REMEMBER WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER.
We will see very soon, we look forward to a HUG and making your hair look amazing again.
We MISS that interaction.
Sarah and the SR Team